Thursday, September 08, 2005

When politics kill...

Here is the -difference (link)- regarding the response by FEMA to the various hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004 and their response to Hurricane Katrina.

Its fairly obvious that thousands died simply because Louisiana was not a swing state in an election year.

Here is a -story (link)- about another truth teller being canned by this administration back in 2004. Clark Kent Ervin was inspector general at the Department of Homeland Security (in case you live under a rock DHS heads FEMA) and highly critical of several programs overseen by DHS. The repeated practice of this administration of sacking those who tell it like it is is another example of how political motives directly affect the ability of these agencies to adequately perform their duties. This political agenda has led to the inadequate response by FEMA and the death of thousands. In my humble opinion the wilfull malfeasance and negligence of this administration is criminal. You cant spin the dead bodies floating down the Mississippi no matter how adept you are at media control.

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