Friday, January 13, 2006

I Like It, I Love It

Let me open this post with a statement of personal preference. I really detest country music. As a former karaoke host I spent many long hours on a weekly basis being subjected to horrendous renditions of various country favorites. (Country was by far the most popular preference of the singers in my area. Nothing like a rousing rendition of Friends in Low Places to get the crowd drinking or me wanting to take a shower... ) I was raised in Montana, and listened to lots of country music growing up. (No jokes about Hank being contemporary in my day please... although I will admit to finding Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson tolerable.) I just happen to like hard rock...

One thing I find objecionable about country stars is their tendency to be incorrigably right wing politically speaking. (And no... I don't listen to the Dixie Chicks if I can help it either so this isn't just about politics ok?) But today as I was bopping about the web I kept seeing this story headlined in the various political sections about country star Tim McGraw possibly getting into politics. So being a bit of an anti country bigot (I admit it!) I never actually clicked on the story to read the details... Of course if Tim McGraw gets into politics he'll be a wingnut, koolaid drinking, Republican right?

WRONG!! **gasp**

Heres the money quote from the article linked above...
one of his main reasons for wanting to enter politics is Clinton, whom he calls “the best president we ever had.”
Well I'm a very big fan of Bill Clinton, but even I do not believe he was the best president ever... But I must say that Mr. McGraws sentiment is definitely more in line with my line of thinking than I expected before I read the story. With this in mind, I may not find myself purchasing any of his music, but I could definitely picture myself contributing to a political campaign he may be running...

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