Thursday, September 20, 2007

Friks Take On

With this blogs new look and title, I've decided to bring back Friks take on. Friks take on is my take on the headlines of the day.

First is my take on Representative Peter King's statement that "Unfortunately we have too many mosques in this country". Ask me which I feel more threatened by. Mosques or right wing police statists? You probably know the answer. My response to King is that unfortunately we have too many hate filled Republican koolaid drinking administration toadies who are trying to ruin the America I grew up in. The America which used to stand for religious tolerance, personal freedom, humane treatment of prisoners and justice for all. The main difference between my take and King's is that he wants to sic the police on the Mosques... where as I think King should be allowed to continue being a right wing hate monger. We can combat him by pointing out precisely what he is, without the police getting involved.

Next, my take on President Bush's statement that there is no democracy in Iraq because Saddam "killed all the Mandelas". I wonder if the President would be satisfied if Iraq had a George Washington? You've heard all about that George I'll bet. The founding father of democracy in America, the first President and widely accepted as one of the best President's in American history. That guy. Well it turns out that the neocons who got us into the Iraq quagmire used to claim that Ahmad Chalabi was the George Washington of Iraq. Evidently Iraqs George Washington has not been able to solve the Iraq mess, but Nelson Mandela could... or something like that. I say lets call George Bush the Nero of Iraq. Actually, by the time all of this is done, the most incompetent and deadly leaders on the world stage will be labled the George Bush of their respective nations.

Are you still reading this?! Fine. Here's my take on the President grading himself with an A for "keeping taxes low, and being fiscally responsible with the people's money." That statement should be all the proof anyone needs that this President is positively delusional.

Finally my take on the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad being prohibited from visiting ground zero. I'm gonna be the sore thumb on this one, but let me stick out a little from the rest of the herd, all of whom have expressed shock, bewilderment and dismay that Ahmadinejad would even contemplating visiting this hallowed ground. Al Qaeda is not and never has been affiliated with Iran. In fact Iran is largely Shiite and Al Qaeda is exclusively Sunni. Al Qaeda in Iraq fomented civil war by attacking the Shiites affiliated with Iran. Prior to the American overthrow of the Taliban there was nearly open warfare between Teheran and Kabul because Iranian diplomats were blatantly massacred by the Taliban. Iran did not attack us on 9/11, has been on the opposite side of Al Qaeda in the Sunni/Shiite civil war, and now their President would like to make a gesture of respect. I say let him. It's not like having Osama Bin Laden visit, (and for all the administration knows, Osama just might have actually) even if some of the louder and more obnoxious noisemakers on the right want to make it seem so.

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